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- @A@2Kult & Jude
- @FHcolossal08
- @FApearl08
- @FMprime08
- {2@1
- 1Here a list of 100% true facts. I mean TRUE. No fiction. Fiction is for
- 1friction. Fiction is shit. Fact rules. The world is a global information
- 1superhighway commuting the skylines and bilines and silly little lines with
- 1News and Facts and all thing true. And I never lied... ever. Are you accusing
- 1me ? Are you starting ? Hu Hu Hu ? Shit your bigger than me I'm off.
- 1
- 1And now some FACTS and I MEAN FACTS...
- {1@4
- 4In 1977 a man grew his beard to an astounding 59m. Chuck Zeberbetter of Panky
- 4Springs USA later died by beard suffocation.
- 4
- 4Jelly babies in Kingston, Jamaica are fashioned in the form of Mucha Ade, an
- 4ancient tribal god. It is said that Mucha will give you 4 days bad luck if
- 4you ever bite his lower half off first.
- 4
- 4In Spain, bread is known as Wet Diorah.
- 4
- 4Andy Norris from Preston once boasted that he could induce any bodily
- 4function at just a thought. This was never prooved, but on his death bed he
- 4left an amazing collection of bodily excretions.
- 4
- 4In Spain, if you went into a shop and asked for `Pork Pies` you would be
- 4giving a firm shaft up the rectum and told to `habmmle femmb`.
- {4@3
- 3A CAX disk drive is equivilant in speed to a man of thin build farting.
- 3
- 3In Madrid, the capital of Spain, if you were to go into a swimming pool and
- 3`shit`, you would be given a ticket and asked to wait in line.
- {3@4
- 4In France, just off the border of Spain, you are not allowed to urinate
- 4freely, whereas if you were a couple of metres away in Spain you could
- 4urinate on passers by in France.
- 4
- 4A bouncer at a top London club published a book on self defence in street
- 4brawls. It told you how to defend yourself against kinfes and broken bottles
- 4with just your barefists. The author is a karate blackbelt and his book
- 4retails at a mere £14.99. a second volume is also avalible. See page 143 of
- 4Amiga Format for further details. The advert can be found next to the `how
- 4to buils muscles fast' and `how to attract large breasted woman with scunk
- 4piss in a can'.
- 4
- 4The school I used to go to was originally built by NASA in a secret American
- 4location, it was then transported from there to be tested at Surius 6 for
- 4102 years to see wether it could withstand the beating. It never returned yet
- 4we still went there for lessons... Nobody knows how ?
- {4@3
- 3My Auntie Venessa is a prostitute.
- 3
- 3So is uncle Sid, her pimp.
- 3
- 3I am not, so don't ask for a hand job.
- 3
- 3A farmer in East Suxxex was found dead when several of his farmer-friends
- 3found him with the milking machine cunningly adapted to suit his needs.
- 3`No comment` say the friends,`Can we have it next` say the media.
- {3@4
- 4Some people, when they `go`, they flush it away,ahhhhh, bet you didn`t know
- 4that, eh.
- 4
- 4The average British adult male, of reasonable firmness looses an astonishing
- 422 tons of skin a year. If this was placed into some kind of compression
- 4chamber it could be recycled, for the good of the planet, in the form of
- 4special flacky handbags and lampshades. Another waste of the worlds many
- 4natural resources. Just think if we put our mind to it we could recycle
- 4everything that drops from our bodies.
- {4@4
- 4The `interactive media` is also known as `vibrator`.
- 4
- 4Les Dennis is actualy his old partner Dustin Gee in disguise. In reality
- 4Dennis died and Gee made the relevent corpse alterations within a secret
- 4section of the mortuary. Dust was suffering from dangerously low underpant
- 4pressure at the time and the elastic caused all the blood to rush to his
- 4right elbow.
- 4
- 4Ringing 0898 77557788 can seriously put a smile on your face.
- {4@3
- 3Dennis The Menace is also know as Crevis The male with his bollocks in his
- 3knees.
- {3@4
- 4Interestingly enough Mickey Mouse is known as Rectum the Rat in countries
- 4where the word mouse translates as Misey. Unfortunately the word Misey is
- 4also the very same word used to mean somebody of diiminuative stature and so
- 4for hightest reasons we refrain from reffering to Rectum as a little bloke.
- 4
- 4The Power light on this computer isn`t working. The `z` key on this computer
- 4isn`t working (have you seen any z`s), thatz all we need.
- {4@3
- 3Chumpy Clansarotus of Hill Ground High City Village, USA complained to his
- 3local doctor Wille E Handerhoffon Jnr that he had bad stomach pain. On
- 3further examernation Wille found that Chumpy's genatalia had actualy curved
- 3round a staggering 256 degrees and was pressing hard on Chumpy's belly button
- 3inducing fake stomach pains.
- {3@4
- 4Grange Hill isn`t as good as it used to be.
- 4
- 4Amiga Format has never been good.
- {4@3
- 3Did anyone ever see the ITV version of Robocop (you mean mutha crusher.. why
- 3me, why me.. You freaking airhead).
- 3
- 3Harvy Z Zimmermanxofenstuckbard III of Junky Tunky Chaz and Dave are Funky
- 3Ville, Pigenbarkenfuckenoffen Town, USA lived solely off his own urine. "Its
- 3full of good nutritious proteins" he claimed. Each time he sucked up his piss
- 3(often fizzed with soda stream) in a large straw it got pailer and pailer as
- 3it had been round his body so many times. Eventualy Harvy's fine tuned bodily
- 3system removed all the yellow and he was left drinking pure gin. His mother
- 3Mrs Gertrude P Klangerbangervirginhanger (remarried to Sid) said she had
- 3tried to ween her son onto solids, but she couldn't stop him taking the piss.
- {3@1
- 1** I have nothing against Spain, in fact its one of my fave holiday resort
- 1places ** Neither have I
- 1
- 1
- {1@7
- {7@1
- X0*]